The Last Egret meets all of the following standardized Sunshine State Teaching Standard:


Lesson 1

  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.G - Geography
  • SS.4.G.1 - Standard 1: The World in Spatial Terms
  • SS.4.G.1.1 - SS.4.G.1.1 Identify physical features of Florida.
  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.1 - Reading Process
  • LA.4.1.7 - The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend grade level text.
  • LA. - LA. identify the purpose of text features (e.g., format, graphics, sequence, diagrams, illustrations, charts, maps);
  • LA. - LA. determine explicit ideas and information in grade-level text, including but not limited to main idea, relevant supporting details, implied message, inferences, chronological order of events, summarizing, and paraphrasing;

Lesson 2

  • Math (2007) - Math (2007)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • MA.4.A.1 - Big Idea 1: Develop quick recall of multiplication facts and related division facts and fluency with whole number multiplication.
  • MA.4.A.1.1 - MA.4.A.1.1 Use and describe various models for multiplication in problem-solving situations, and demonstrate recall of basic multiplication and related division facts with ease. [Cognitive Complexity/Depth of Knowledge Rating: Moderate]
  • MA.4.A.1.2 - MA.4.A.1.2 Multiply multi-digit whole numbers through four digits fluently, demonstrating understanding of the standard algorithm, and checking for reasonableness of results, including solving real-world problems. [Cognitive Complexity/Depth of Knowledge Rating: High]
  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.A - American History
  • SS.4.A.4 - Standard 4: Growth of Florida
  • SS.4.A.4.2 - SS.4.A.4.2 Describe pioneer life in Florida.
  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.1 - Reading Process
  • LA.4.1.6 - The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary.
  • LA. - LA. use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar words;
  • LA.4.2 - Literary Analysis
  • LA.4.2.1 - The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.
  • LA. - LA. identify and explain the elements of plot structure, including exposition, setting, character development, problem/resolution, and theme in a variety of fiction;

Lesson 3

  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.2 - Literary Analysis
  • LA.4.2.1 - The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.
  • LA. - LA. identify and explain the elements of plot structure, including exposition, setting, character development, problem/resolution, and theme in a variety of fiction;
  • Florida Science Standards 2008 - Florida Science Standards 2008
  • SC.4 - Grade 4
  • SC.4.17 - Big Idea 17: Interdependence
  • SC.4.L.17.4 - Benchmark SC.4.L.17.4 Recognize ways plants and animals, including humans, can impact the environment.
  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.A - American History
  • SS.4.A.4 - Standard 4: Growth of Florida
  • SS.4.A.4.2 - SS.4.A.4.2 Describe pioneer life in Florida.

Lesson 4

  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.G - Geography
  • SS.4.G.1 - Standard 1: The World in Spatial Terms
  • SS.4.G.1 - Standard 1: The World in Spatial Terms
  • SS.4.G.1.1 - SS.4.G.1.1 Identify physical features of Florida.
  • SS.4.A - American History
  • SS.4.A.1 - Standard 1: Historical Inquiry and Analysis
  • SS.4.A.1.1 - SS.4.A.1.1 Analyze primary and secondary resources to identify significant individuals and events throughout Florida history.
  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.1 - Reading Process
  • LA.4.1.7 - The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend grade level text.
  • LA. - LA. use strategies to repair comprehension of grade-appropriate text when self-monitoring indicates confusion, including but not limited to rereading, checking context clues, predicting, summarizing, questioning, and clarifying by checking other sources.
  • LA.4.2 - Literary Analysis
  • LA.4.2.1 - The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.
  • LA. - LA. identify and explain the elements of plot structure, including exposition, setting, character development, problem/resolution, and theme in a variety of fiction;
  • Florida Science Standards 2008 - Florida Science Standards 2008
  • SC.4 - Grade 4
  • SC.4.17 - Big Idea 17: Interdependence
  • SC.4.L.17.4 - Benchmark SC.4.L.17.4 Recognize ways plants and animals, including humans, can impact the environment.

Lesson 5

  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.1 - Reading Process
  • LA.4.1.6 - The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary.
  • LA. - LA. determine the correct meaning of words with multiple meanings in context; and
  • LA.4.1.7 - The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend grade level text.
  • LA. - LA. identify the text structure an author uses (e.g., comparison/contrast, cause/effect, sequence of events) and explain how it impacts meaning in text;
  • Florida Science Standards 2008 - Florida Science Standards 20082
  • SC.4 - Grade 4
  • SC.4.17 - Big Idea 17: Interdependence
  • SC.4.L.17.4 - Benchmark SC.4.L.17.4 Recognize ways plants and animals, including humans, can impact the environment.
  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.A - American History
  • SS.4.A.4 - Standard 4: Growth of Florida
  • SS.4.A.4.2 - SS.4.A.4.2 Describe pioneer life in Florida.

Lesson 6

  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.G - Geography
  • SS.4.G.1 - Standard 1: The World in Spatial Terms
  • SS.4.G.1.1 - SS.4.G.1.1 Identify physical features of Florida.
  • SS.4.A - American History
  • SS.4.A.4 - Standard 4: Growth of Florida
  • SS.4.A.4.2 - SS.4.A.4.2 Describe pioneer life in Florida.
  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.1 - Reading Process
  • LA.4.1.6 - The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary.
  • LA. - LA. determine the correct meaning of words with multiple meanings in context; and
  • LA.4.1.7 - The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend grade level text.
  • LA. - LA. use strategies to repair comprehension of grade-appropriate text when self-monitoring indicates confusion, including but not limited to rereading, checking context clues, predicting, summarizing, questioning, and clarifying by checking other sources.
  • Florida Science Standards 2008 - Florida Science Standards 2008
  • SC.4 - Grade 4
  • SC.4.17 - Big Idea 17: Interdependence
  • SC.4.L.17.4 - Benchmark SC.4.L.17.4 Recognize ways plants and animals, including humans, can impact the environment.

Lesson 7

  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.A - American History
  • SS.4.A.4 - Standard 4: Growth of Florida
  • SS.4.A.4.2 - SS.4.A.4.2 Describe pioneer life in Florida.
  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.2 - Literary Analysis
  • LA.4.2.1 - The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.
  • LA. - LA. respond to, discuss, and reflect on various literary selections, connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts);
  • Florida Science Standards 2008 - Florida Science Standards 2008
  • SC.4 - Grade 4
  • SC.4.17 - Big Idea 17: Interdependence
  • SC.4.L.17.4 - Benchmark SC.4.L.17.4 Recognize ways plants and animals, including humans, can impact the environment.

Lesson 8

  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.A - American History
  • SS.4.A.4 - Standard 4: Growth of Florida
  • SS.4.A.4.2 - SS.4.A.4.2 Describe pioneer life in Florida.
  • SS.4.G - Geography
  • SS.4.G.1 - Standard 1: The World in Spatial Terms
  • SS.4.G.1.1 - SS.4.G.1.1 Identify physical features of Florida.
  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.1 - Reading Process
  • LA.4.1.6 - The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary.
  • LA. - LA. use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar words;
  • LA.4.5 - Communication
  • LA.4.5.2 - The student effectively applies listening and speaking strategies.
  • LA. - LA. listen to information presented orally and show an understanding of key points;
  • Florida Science Standards 2008 - Florida Science Standards 2008
  • SC.4 - Grade 4
  • SC.4.17 - Big Idea 17: Interdependence
  • SC.4.L.17.4 - Benchmark SC.4.L.17.4 Recognize ways plants and animals, including humans, can impact the environment.

Lesson 9

  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.A - American History
  • SS.4.A.4 - Standard 4: Growth of Florida
  • SS.4.A.4.2 - SS.4.A.4.2 Describe pioneer life in Florida.
  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.1 - Reading Process
  • LA.4.1.7 - The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend grade level text.
  • LA. - LA. identify the purpose of text features (e.g., format, graphics, sequence, diagrams, illustrations, charts, maps);
  • LA.4.2 - Literary Analysis
  • LA.4.2.1 - The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.
  • LA. - LA. respond to, discuss, and reflect on various literary selections, connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts);
  • Florida Science Standards 2008 - Florida Science Standards 2008
  • SC.4 - Grade 4
  • SC.4.17 - Big Idea 17: Interdependence
  • SC.4.L.17.4 - Benchmark SC.4.L.17.4 Recognize ways plants and animals, including humans, can impact the environment.

Lesson 10

  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.A - American History
  • SS.4.A.4 - Standard 4: Growth of Florida
  • SS.4.A.4.2 - SS.4.A.4.2 Describe pioneer life in Florida.
  • Florida Science Standards 2008 - Florida Science Standards 2008
  • SC.4 - Grade 4
  • SC.4.17 - Big Idea 17: Interdependence
  • SC.4.L.17.4 - Benchmark SC.4.L.17.4 Recognize ways plants and animals, including humans, can impact the environment.
  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.1 - Reading Process
  • LA.4.1.6 - The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary.
  • LA. - LA. determine meanings of words and alternate word choices by using a dictionary, thesaurus, and digital tools.
  • LA.4.2 - Literary Analysis
  • LA.4.2.1 - The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.
  • LA. - LA. identify and explain an author's use of descriptive, idiomatic, and figurative language (e.g., personification, similes, metaphors, symbolism), and examine how it is used to describe people, feelings, and objects;

Lesson 11

  • Social Studies (2008) - Social Studies (2008)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • SS.4.G - Geography
  • SS.4.G.1 - Standard 1: The World in Spatial Terms
  • SS.4.G.1.1 - SS.4.G.1.1 Identify physical features of Florida.
  • SS.4.A - American History
  • SS.4.A.4 - Standard 4: Growth of Florida
  • SS.4.A.4.2 - SS.4.A.4.2 Describe pioneer life in Florida.
  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.1 - Reading Process
  • LA.4.1.6 - The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary.
  • LA. - LA. determine the correct meaning of words with multiple meanings in context; and
  • LA.4.1.7 - The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend grade level text.
  • LA. - LA. compare and contrast elements in multiple texts (e.g., setting, characters, problems); and
  • Florida Science Standards 2008 - Florida Science Standards 2008
  • SC.4 - Grade 4
  • SC.4.17 - Big Idea 17: Interdependence
  • SC.4.L.17.4 - Benchmark SC.4.L.17.4 Recognize ways plants and animals, including humans, can impact the environment.

Lesson 12

  • Florida Language Arts Standards (2006) - Florida Language Arts Standards (2006)
  • LA.4 - Grade 4
  • LA.4.2 - Literary Analysis
  • LA.4.2.1 - The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection.
  • LA. - LA. respond to, discuss, and reflect on various literary selections, connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts);
  • LA.4.1 - Reading Process
  • LA.4.1.6 - The student uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary.
  • LA. - LA. determine the correct meaning of words with multiple meanings in context; and
  • Math (2007) - Math (2007)
  • Grade 4 - Grade 4
  • MA.4.A.6 - Supporting Idea 6: Number and Operations
  • MA.4.A.6.6 - MA.4.A.6.6 Estimate and describe reasonableness of estimates; determine the appropriateness of an estimate versus an exact answer. [Cognitive Complexity/Depth of Knowledge Rating: High]